Mental Health Resources

Resources for Catholic schools.

Prayer Resources

CBCEW – 2 prayers to bring to God our intentions for those with mental health needs, their families and carers:

Pray as you Go – This is an Ignatian resource designed to support you each day through prayer reflections that help you become more aware of God’s presence in your life, listen to God’s word and grow in your relationship with God.

Taizé – Taizé chants are well-known for being a way to meditate and find space to be with God. On their website they have a section where you can select any Taizé song and you can read, sing and play the music.

Catholic Children’s Society - They have resources to use including a series of video resources named ‘Meditation with Children and Young People’ in collaboration with the World Community for Christian Meditation:

Resources for during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Pray as you Stay - a project run by ‘Pray as you Go’ that offers reflections and support during this time of coronavirus and self-isolation.

Pathways to God – They have created an examen for the family during the time of lockdown.

CBCEW – They have posted a resource on the psychological care of clergy and religious during quarantine. This is also a useful resource for anyone at this time.

Alone Together – Inspired by the lives of Benedictine religious, this resource offers support and advice on how to cope with this time of isolation

Faith in Isolation - Faith in Isolation is a platform created to spiritually nourish those isolated from their faith practices as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources

The Catholic Mental Health Project have listed Diocesan contacts around the country including Diocesan Mental Health Representatives and Bishops’ Healthcare Advisors. They also have an extensive list of charities and organisations nationwide that offer support via their websites and helplines on a wide range of mental health and wellbeing matters such as depression, anxiety, bereavement, eating disorders, self-harm, bereavement and issues in family life.

Everybody’s Welcome – What is life like if you or someone in your family has mental health problems? And what can your parish do to make a difference?

St Vincent de Paul (SVP) - Dedicated to tackling poverty and disadvantage by providing direct practical assistance to anyone in need.

The Art of Dying Well – An animation that illustrates through the fictional story of the Ferguson family the comforting rites and prayers that help a person spiritually prepare for the final journey. It is narrated by the English actress Vanessa Redgrave.

Catholic Care – A charity in Leeds Diocese which supports children, families and vulnerable adults through challenging situations. They run a children’s home and wellbeing services in schools.

Catholic Children’s Society (CCS) – Through their ConnectEd scheme, they provide counselling and therapy services to support the mental health and emotional wellbeing of thousands of children each year. These services are based on-site in over 70 primary, secondary and special schools. They also provide mental health training for school staff:

Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society (BCCS) - BCCS is an established and reputable children's charity delivering vital mental health and emotional wellbeing services in schools across Essex and East London. - They have a selection of resources including ‘Mindfulness Resources’

Faith in Families – This charity based in Nottingham has a team of school social workers that visit schools and help children and families cope with social and psychological problems that may arise at school, at home, or in the larger community.

Rainbows - Not-for-profit international organization in Hallam Diocese, offering training and programmes for establishing peer support groups in communities, schools, churches, and social agencies. The programmes are available to children, young people and adults of all ages who are grieving a death, family change or any other significant loss.

Diocesan Youth Service Resources

Birmingham Catholic Youth Service – They have a chaplaincy resource library which includes therapeutic resources including a presentation and article on counselling and theology for young people.

Nottingham Diocesan Catholic Youth Service – They have a resource section on their website that includes various meditations on well-known prayers such as the Our Father and Hail Mary and a video on how to pray the rosary.

Lancaster Youth Service – Their Youth Retreat Centre, Castlerigg has a page sharing inspiring stories from young people on how their faith has helped them and how no one is alone.

Westminster Youth Ministry – They have some resources on breathing exercises before prayer, meditations and guided reflections on scripture.

St Cassians (Kintbury) Youth Retreat Centre – They have a webpage dedicated to mental health resources and activities.

Brentwood Catholic Youth Service – They have a page dedicated to sharing resources on mental health support services in partnership with the Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society.

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