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Guardians of Creation
Guardians of Creation is an interdisciplinary, multi-institutional research programme investigating the technical, sociological, organisational and theological paths to sustainable and ecologically sensitive change in the Catholic Church. St Mary’s University has partnered with Salford Diocese and the Laudato Si’ Research Institute, Campion Hall, Oxford University, to develop a comprehensive program of research. The following are school resources produced as part of the Guardians Of Creation project. The Laudato Si’ Champions toolkit and accompanying report was developed through a one-year pilot programme of teaching and learning delivered to 225 Key Stage 3 students, and offers educators a comprehensive template for engaging students in the ecological crisis through Catholic education. The toolkit itself gives educators everything they need to conduct six lessons, at Key Stage 3 level, exploring the intersection of Catholicism and ecology. An accompanying report draws on evidence from a survey of 677 Key Stage 3 students and interviews with 83 participants. It explores young people’s experiences, perceptions and beliefs regarding the ecological crisis in depth. The data is used to investigate the development in young people’s relationship to the ecological crisis as they participate in the Laudato Si’ Champions programme, revealing a clear and conclusive set of rationales for implementing the Laudato Si’ Champions Toolkit in any Catholic school. Caring for Creation was developed over the course of a one-year multiple site case study of eight schools and drawing on evidence given by 83 interviewees. It introduces a model for understanding and facilitating responses to the ecological crisis in Catholic schools. Its accompanying report begins by exploring the barriers that inhibit Catholic schools’ responses to the ecological crisis, before introducing its model for change, the Caring for Creation model. This describes the phases that Catholic schools in England and Wales pass through in their development of a comprehensive, or whole-school, response to the ecological crisis. Readers who are familiar with Catholic education institutions should be able to identify where their institution is in its progression through the Caring For Creation model, and the consequent actions it should take to develop further.