Formatio for leaders

Supporting leadership in schools

We support and connect leaders through our regional model, our annual executive headship programme and our vision for Catholic School Leadership.

Vision for leaders

Given the pace of educational change in recent years, we felt there was a need to institute a common vision for Catholic School Leaders.

This vision document for Catholic School Leadership now serves as a gold standard for those aspiring to school leadership and as a benchmark for Formatio’s work in this area. 

The text of this document was agreed by the bishops of England and Wales, diocesan representatives and Catholic school leaders.

Programme for Catholic Senior Executive Leaders

To support Catholic dioceses in the provision of outstanding training and formation opportunities for school leaders, we have also developed an annual programme for those interested in executive headship. 

A Catholic Senior Executive Leader (CSEL) is the chief executive officer of a large Catholic multi-academy trust company.

This programme is designed to provide a faith-sensitive introduction to the role of an executive headteacher and the distinctive challenges posed in Catholic schools.

If you are interested in attending the programme, contact us for more information.