Середа, 27 червня 2012 14:31

Decision time for Catholic Academies

The Secretary of State for Education, Michael Gove, is keen that all schools an England should become Academies as soon as possible. Academy status, he argues, will give schools more freedom and autonomy to make their own educational decisions in pursuit of higher standards and provide more funding to achieve those standards. For some existing schools ‘in difficulty’ it will provide ‘new start’ opportunities.

Понеділок, 23 липня 2012 10:11

How is Religious Education changing?

A fourteen year old pupil once said to me, ‘You know, RE is a great subject, but you should really change its name.’ I asked why, and he said ‘Because it contains the two words that young people hate the most.’

П'ятниця, 01 червня 2012 16:08

Learning to love their neighbours

The most important thing we can teach our children is to love your neighbour as yourself.  For young children it can be difficult to answer the question ‘who is my neighbour?’  For many of them it can just mean those who live close to them.

Holy Cross Catholic School, Plymouth has had a link with St John Vianney School in Gambia for over three years.  The link was celebrated during the Holy Father’s visit to the UK in 2010 at The Big Assembly, Twickenham.  

Середа, 23 травня 2012 13:20

Catholic schools: Engaging with wider society

Catholic education could be seen as increasingly beleaguered. In the last few weeks, The Guardian has claimed that Catholic schools favour wealthier families with children on free school meals under-represented. And recently, there has been controversy about the letter from the Archbishops to schools on marriage.

We are rightly proud of our Catholic schools. There is a pluralistic approach to education with the churches, Jewish and Muslim authorities providing education which is regulated in largely the same way as state schools but with a religious dimension in those schools. The state pays the salaries and running costs and 90% of buildings (100% for academies).

Середа, 23 травня 2012 11:56

Leadership in Catholic Schools

Throughout the Gospels there are lessons to be learned either from what Jesus had to say and more often in the actions He took, and why and how He did what He did - examples are there for us all on the nature of the leadership that we can expect in our Catholic educational faith communities.

At the Last Supper, after Jesus had powerfully demonstrated the concept of ‘Servant Leadership’ by washing of the feet of His disciples, He responded to arguments about status by patiently explaining His view of leadership.

Четвер, 10 травня 2012 15:07

We face challenges not persecution

It has become a commonplace comment that Christians in the UK are facing persecution from an overbearing state, a seemingly hostile judiciary and a metropolitan elite with friends in the media. A quick trawl of news sites shows that Ann Widdecombe believes that ‘Christianity in Britain is under severe persecution and it will get worse’; David Simpson MP says that ‘we don’t have to go to other countries to see persecution, we simply look to our own back door’. Even the former Archbishop of Canterbury, the Rt Rev Lord Carey, says that in Britain ‘Christians are vilified by the state... Christians are being driven underground’.

Четвер, 10 травня 2012 14:46

Catholic education in a changing context

Change in the world of education has been rapid and will continue under the Coalition Government at a pace; one might speculate about the shape of the educational landscape in 2012. Already we see a world of academies, free schools, companies which provide education, competition, deregulation and closures. It is also a time of great demographic change in the Catholic population which is affecting dioceses in very different ways. The classroom has become ethnically very diverse. This offers a wonderful opportunity to understand the Catholic Church as the community of disciples in a much broader way.

Понеділок, 08 вересня 2014 11:10

Bishops launch new document in support of Catholic education

Press Release 8 September 2014

The Catholic Education Service is delighted to announce the launch of a new document, revised and approved by the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales, celebrating the important impact that Catholic education has on our communities.

The document, which was approved at the Bishops' Conference Plenary meeting in May, outlines the distinctive nature of Catholic education, which is currently responsible for almost 800,000 pupils in England and Wales.  It also explains the way in which Catholic schools work in partnership with the Government to provide outstanding academic standards, a diverse education and a cohesive and welcoming environment for all. 

Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster said: I welcome this document which highlights the distinctive nature of Catholic education to make Christ known, to assist parents in their role as primary educators of their children and to be of service to society. The high demand for places at Catholic schools is testament to the high regard of parents for the distinctive nature of Catholic schools and also the high standards achieved. 

“I commend the staff, pupils and parents across all Catholic schools and offer my prayers for their continued endeavours.”

Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP, Chairman of the CES, said: “Supporting the education of our young people is not just a responsibility for the Church, but also a privilege.  This new document outlines the fantastic contribution of Catholic education to our communities across England and Wales and I hope that it encourages people to celebrate and support the work of our Catholic schools and colleges.”     

The Catholic Church is responsible for 10% of the total maintained education sector in England and Wales.  It employs over 48,000 teachers and 38,000 education support staff.  

The document is available to download below.

Catholic Education in England and Wales

Понеділок, 08 вересня 2014 08:26

Jim Dobbin MP RIP

We are saddened and shocked to hear of the death of Jim Dobbin MP. Our thoughts and prayers are with Pat and all of Jim's family. Parliament will be a poorer place for his passing for Jim was a brave voice, respected on all sides of the House. In many ways he was the outstanding Catholic parliamentarian of his generation and we will greatly miss his commitment to social justice combined with his gentle sense of humour.

Понеділок, 15 вересня 2014 12:19

Pope Francis appoints Monsignor Marcus Stock as new Bishop of Leeds

On the announment of Monsignor Marcus Stock appointment as new Bishop of Leeds, CES said:

"We are delighted to hear about Monsignor Marcus Stock's appointment as the new Bishop of Leeds. Mgr Marcus brought great expertise and was a supportive leader of Catholic education during his time as Assistant Director and Director of Schools in the Archdiocese of Birmingham, and as Acting Director of the Catholic Education Service. We wish Mgr Marcus all the best for his new post and we will keep him in our prayers."


Click here for full press release.

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