Recently published data demonstrates that a higher proportion of pupils in Catholic schools come from the 10% most deprived areas compared to the proportion in schools nationally.

Опубліковано в CES News
Середа, 02 травня 2012 00:00

CES Census 2024

St Augustines Spring 2012 388 002The CES Census is a survey of Catholic schools in England and Wales.  It provides essential information on Catholic education from national to diocesan level, underpinning policy decisions at both local and national levels and enabling the CES to be proactive in promoting Catholic education.

As a result of the hard work of Census Representatives in the dioceses, together with that of the Census team at CES, the response rate since 2014 has been 100%, meaning the data is highly accurate.  The Bishops expect schools and colleges to complete the CES Census since only with a high response rate from the entire sector can we demonstrate the diversity and inclusiveness within it. 

The Census website contains full details of the arrangements for the 2024 census, together with online documentation and other information. Completed Census files must be uploaded using the file upload form on the census website. 

The CES Census Digests 2023 for schools in England and Wales are available to download below, along with the Key Facts Card bookmark design. Previous Census publications can be downloaded from the Census website.




                         CES Census England front cover 2023    CES census 2023 front cover Wales                                                   CES census 2023 front cover Welsh language              

Census Digest


Census Digest


Census Digest

(Welsh text) 

KFC2023i KFC2023iii   


Опубліковано в CES Census