Press release - 6 July 2013 

The Principal and staff at All Hallows Catholic College, a voluntary academy in Macclesfield, have been selected for a top role, supporting schools in challenging circumstances.

Tony Billings is one of only 96 headteachers to be appointed to the role of National Leader of Education (NLE) in the latest recruitment round. He will now be invited to the National College for Teaching and Leadership’s learning and conference centre in Nottingham in October for a formal induction and training for the role in driving school improvement.

NLEs use their success and professionalism as school leaders, along with the staff in their school - designated a National Support School - to provide additional leadership capability in struggling schools or those in transition to federation or academy status. The deployment is tailor-made to suit the needs of each school. The type of support provided is flexible and can involve NLEs becoming acting or executive headteacher of the client school or schools. They also have responsibility for bringing on the next generation of NLEs and National Support Schools. 

Jacquline Feeley, Chair of Governors said: “This is such exciting news! The awarding of "National Support School" to All Hallows Catholic College and "National Leader of Education" to our Principal, is timely recognition of the great work of all staff inspirationally led by Tony Billings.  It reflects our Mission "to be more rather than have more" and the high standards achieved by our staff and students. We will now be able to share expertise, knowledge and skills with other schools to raise expectations and standards of Teaching and  Learning to enable all to fulfil their true potential. We, the Governors, are very proud of this excellent achievement which places Tony Billings as one of the National Leaders of Education, and of all our dedicated staff members who work and study selflessly and tirelessly as a dynamic team for the good of all our students. Congratulations and Well done to everyone!”

Many in the National Leaders of Education/National Support Schools scheme see improvements in exam results at both the support and client schools with progress achieved in excess of the improvements nationally. 

There are now well over 800 NLEs across the country and the number is set to rise to about 1,000 by 2015. Tony Billings, Principal of All Hallows said:  “This is a recognition of the extensive work we are already doing, sharing best practice with a number of schools facing challenging circumstances. We are delighted to be invited into such important work making a difference to the lives of students and their teachers.”

Charlie Taylor, Chief Executive of the National College for Teaching and Leadership, said: “It’s great that heads like Tony Billings are willing to look beyond their own school gates to help more pupils achieve. Their efforts will be at the heart of a self-improving, school-led education system.

“School-to-school support is having a growing impact and the results speak for themselves with benefits for both the schools being supported and those providing the support.”


Notes to editors:

For further information contact: All Hallows Catholic College, Principal, Tony Billings at 01625 426138 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

All Hallows Catholic College, A Voluntary Academy, drawing students from Macclesfield, Alderley Edge, Congleton, Wilmslow, Handforth, Poynton,Stockport,Whalley Bridge, Knutsford and surrounding areas.

For press enquiries about the national NLE programme contact Richard Earle on 07776 494545, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit:   




Pupils at Saint Paul’s Catholic High School in Wythenshawe are supporting the CAFOD Big IF campaign “Hungry for Change”. CAFOD, the Catholic Association for Overseas Development works in many countries to tackle poverty, encourage development and fight for global justice.

The pupils have learnt that there is enough food in the world for everyone, but it’s not shared fairly. They know that the way forward is to act collectively to push for change hence they signed a pledge which was sent to David Cameron and to bring up at the G8 summit to end world hunger.

“The pupils were very keen to support the Hungry for Change campaign after learning that nearly one billion people go to bed hungry every night and two million children die from malnutrition every year,” explained Miss Kathryn Meehan, RE teacher at Saint Paul’s. “Our pupils were inspired by the values of the CAFOD charity – compassion, hope, dignity, solidarity, partnership, sustainability and stewardship, As part of the Catholic community, we were eager to support this charity and help those in need.”

“At Saint Paul’s, pupils are encouraged to consider their place in the wider community, develop a strong sense of social responsibility and support those less fortunate than themselves.” commented Mr Wiktor Daron, Head Teacher at Saint Paul’s. Our hope is that, through their exposure to a range of activities and causes, our pupils will develop a sense of the type and scale of need that exists in modern life.”


PRESS RELEASE - June  2013

Saint Paul’s one of the top 20% of schools in England for improving its GCSE results year-on-year!

Saint Paul’s Catholic High School in Wythenshawe was delighted to be recognised nationally for achieving some of the fastest improving GCSE results in the country.

The school recently received official recognition of their achievement from the SSAT (The Schools Network). They were recognised as one of the top 20% of schools in England by improving its GCSE results year-on-year from 2009 to 2012 by at least 17 percentage points overall.

This reinforces the message earlier in the year when Saint Paul’s was recognised by the Minister of State, the Rt Hon David Laws MP, as one of the 100 most improved schools in the country.

The school was highlighted by the Minister as one of the 100 most improved schools in the country in terms of the progress the pupils have made between their Key Stage 2 results (i.e. when the pupils left primary school) and their GCSE results.

Sue Williamson,Chief Executive of SSAT, said: “St Paul’s Catholic High School should be congratulated for their stunning achievement in improving their GCSE results.”

She continued: “St Paul’s Catholic High School has proved itself to be one of the best schools in the country at improving GCSE outcomes for their students. There is plenty that other schools could learn from Saint Paul’s success.”

“These results are testament to the commitment and hard work of the students, teachers and leadership team at Saint Paul’s and a vindication of their belief in high expectations, good teaching and ambition for every young person.”

The school achieved excellent GCSE results in 2012: the eighth year running that they had celebrated improved GCSE exam results.

2012 saw the best ever GCSE results for Saint Paul’s with 59% of pupils achieving 5 A* - Cs including Maths and English GCSEs (the government’s preferred measure), an increase of 11% from 2011. Also, the number of pupils attaining 5A* - Cs increased to an all time high of 90%.

“We are delighted to be celebrating national recognition for achieving some of the fastest improving GCSE results in the country; this is another milestone for the school and is a remarkable achievement,” said Head Teacher, Mr Wiktor Daron. “We are very proud of the year-on-year improving GCSE results which students and staff at the school worked very hard to achieve.”


As part of the Enrichment program, 39 students opted for a Visit to the Historical, Religious and Artistic sites The 'Eternal City' of Rome has to offer.  Travelling as a group of year 12 they spent 5 days exploring the sites while enjoying the fantastic weather, food and company. Taking in visits to The Vatican - scaling the never ending staircase into the cupola of Michelangelo, marvelling at his work in the Sistine chapel and attending the Papal Audience with Pope Francis.  The Coliseum, the Forum and the Catacombs to name but a few.  Students also enjoyed the activities the Borghese gardens had to offer.   Alistair Sidebotham won the biggest Gelato ordered hands down!

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